
Learning is a process that never end. We don’t drop university and start a big idea without learning or improving ourselves through time. We are the best when we can recover from failure, not once but many times.

My thought after the morning coffee talk with my bru: loneliness is a choice, and that’s mine.So, after all these years of walking around, trying to be someone that care for others, I realize that I don’t give one or two things to others because in return, I learn that people just wanna keep me in their circle to provide value, not treasure the way I am. Funny, it’s taking that long to know the truth.Living and talking to people is a great way to learn but somehow I couldn’t feel the “wave” or “the sense of belonging“. Then, people started to “provide” me some guidelines of how to be normal, which is:

1. Do care about others: I really do, but it’s just getting dull overtime since I really don’t use my mouth to talk out loud upon doing something for somebody; I consider the action of mentioning my help to others is stupid. If they receive the help and know that is me, then just say thank you and that’s all.

2. Do trust others as they trust you: believe me, whenever I start to trust people as my human nature, something is going down badly. So I decide to trust them as someone to get the job done.

3. Do switch the scope of thinking as fast and swiftly: oh please, I’m not superman and the way of my thinking process is just one thing at the same time. I can only process one thing and listen to music at same time. And if you judge me for not processing many things at the same time? Well…shit…too bad…you bark at the wrong tree.

4. Do understand the numbers and logical thinking: I do have that but not the way most of the people could see it, sometimes I prefer a chart, sometimes I prefer a video, sometimes I prefer to talk and explain it to me directly. But all the people could do around is to force others listen to one thing from their point of view. Also BS, you want people to understand the way you think, but not once in a while you push yourself to understand others.

Too long I’ve been questioning the existing of Facebook and Social Network, whether I should write down all these noises or just pretend to become a sheep instead of a wolf. But then my nature is to use the tool as it should be, why should I care about the comments and stalkers? Living at the moment and let’s not think too much, since I don’t deny my value and choose to live under others